Disk a Vontade has been on the cutting edge of VOIP Technology since its inception. Disk a Vontade evolved out of our original Telecommunications business COMMON CENTS COMMUNICATIONS INC opened in 1995 . Our headquarters is located in Boston, MA, we opened a branch office in Vitoria, ES Brazil in 2005. We have experienced rapid growth in both countries and look forward to expanding our international presence.
Our state of the art infrastructure using the latest technology places us well ahead of our competitors. We own and operate our own switches and we partner with the top carriers in the business.
Many factors have contributed to the growth of Disk a Vontade. We bring great value to our customers with high quality products and service at the lowest prices. But without any doubt, the greatest secret to our success is our INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTORS. Distributors are the heart and soul of our company.
What is Matriz? X CLOSE
For only $299 you can become part of the Disk Matriz team and all of the incredible benefits we offer. Our turnkey business system is SIMPLE, DYNAMIC AND PROFITABLE!
Infinite Matriz 2 x 2: Is a closed Matriz of 2 x 2, which means that every Distributor will have 2 Distributors on their first level and the Matriz will have 2 levels. On the 2nd level you will have 4 Distributors, for a total of 6 people in your Matriz.
You become a distributor, share our business opportunity with 2 people, when they sign up as distributors and invite 2 people each that enroll as distributors your cycle will close and you will have earned $600.
Disk Matriz is extremely SIMPLE & PROFITABLE. Now it's your turn to succeed in the network marketing. This is the most lucrative compensation package in the industry. We will help you every step of the way. DON'T LOOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY!
What is a cycle? X CLOSE
A cycle is when a distributor completes a cycle of six 6 Distributors in their Matriz, 2 on their 1st level and 4 on their 2nd level. When complete your cycle will close & you will earn $600.
All Distributors registered with 29.95 dollars will sign in Disk Matriz system, but will receive only 50% of real bonus.
These values, when requested, 50% will be withheld for payment of invoice for membership of the Disk Matriz up to a total value of U$299.
The cycles generated will be paid in proportion to the number of people who have already paid that amount.
Below is the table of values of the cycle:
If it has not been paid the value of U$ 299:
- 6 = U$ 299 distributors cycle U$ 600
- 5 distributors U$ 299 / 1 distributor U$ 29.95 = U$ 250 cycle
- 4 distributors U$ 299 / 2 distributors U$ 29.95 cycle = U$ 200
- 3 distributors U$ 299 / 3 distributors U$ 29.95 = cycle U$ 150
- 2 distributors U$ 299 / 4 distributors U$ 29.95 = cycle U$ 100
- 1 distributor U$ 299/ 5 distributors U$ 29.95 = cycle U$ 50
- 6 distributors U$ 29.95 = do not have the bonus matriz
If you have already paid the U$299:
- 6 distributors U$ 299 = cycle U$ 600
- 5 distributors U$ 299 / 1 distributor U$ 29.95 = cycle U$ 500
- 4 distributors U$ 299 / 2 distributors U$ 29.95 = cycle U$ 400
- 3 distributors U$ 299 / 3 distributors U$ 29.95 = cycle U$ 300
- 2 distributors U$ 299 / 4 distributors U$ 29.95 = cycle $ 200
- 1 distributor U$ 299 / 5 distributors U$ 29.95 = cycle U$ 100
- 6 distributors U$ 29.95 = do not have the bonus matriz
Distributors with membership of U$ 29.95 is not entitled to free cell phone device.
After payment of the membership Disk Matriz, the distributor will automatically switch to a distributor for $ 299, so he is able to generate the next cycle for his up line to full value.